God, Grace & Race

Letter From Leadership: READ HERE:Acknowledge, Apologize & Atone


Have Questions?? Email us at Spirit-and-Wisdom@GreaterBaltimoreChurch.org

1 Chronicles 12:32 NLT

From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.

These men of Issachar, David’s army, discerned God’s choice for Israel’s king and placed their support behind him. They were men who understood the times and Israel’s responsibility to them. 

As we navigate the challenges of bias and bigotry, which too often lead to violence in our country, we must be people who understand the times and set the best course of action. Expertise and historical understanding of race can help, but we also must remember that history is not our standard, it only gives us perspective. It is our belief that morals, righteousness, empathy, compassion, and grace must chart our course and be bi-partisan. This ultimately is not about blue states, red states, or religion, though bias and race are immeasurably affected by all. At any time, if we allow partisan politics to obscure our biblical obligation we need to rethink wearing the name Christian altogether. God’s law and man’s law shouldn't be a close second. By learning to assess one’s own values and thoughts impacted by racism and/or implicit biases, we have the opportunity to learn where the root of our inner thoughts lay and can measure them using the righteous examples set by Jesus. Unchecked, these values and beliefs can entangle themselves into our hearts and limit our capacity to hear fully and obey God’s command to love. Using a self, then others framework, (Mathew 7:1-4) we must take a look inward at our own hearts before we can fully realize our ability to effectively demonstrate the transformational power of God’s love in our cities, our country. This vision is about a diverse alternative prophetic community ready to stand as Jesus did, counter-culturally to implicit bias, microaggression, discrimination, and violence of all kinds. As kingdom people, this is about a state of the heart that can't be legislated- Hearts that are waiting to be changed as they witness the love of Christ modeled through His believers. God, Grace, and Race 

This series has been put together from local and worldwide resources to help our communities navigate and understand the issues of race, ethnicity, and cultural differences. It consists of general lessons, and community and individual devotionals. It is our hope that these lessons will be helpful in laying a foundation of genuine love, reconciliation, forgiveness, and acceptance as we strive to live as citizens of the kingdom. 

Empathy: My Choice for Change

By Katrina L. Brooks, MHS

Decline By Design

By Elizabeth Nix, Ph.D.

Crossing The Line

By Michael Burns

Crossing The Line - Culture and Kingdom - Michael Burns

Michael Burns asks anyone using the Crossing the Line videos to contribute a donation of any amount to the Africa Missions Association at https://www.amaafrica.org/donate

Crossing The Line - Race and Kingdom - Michael Burns

Author and international speaker Michael Burns explains how Christians and should approach issues of race and culture within the church. He offers four tips…

Additional Materials

PDFs & More Videos

Allegories on race and racism by Camara Jones

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Dr. Camara Jones shares four allegories on “race” and racism. She hopes that these "telling stories" empower you to do something different, and that you will remember them and pass them on.

Let's get to the root of racial injustice By Megan Ming Francis

In this inspiring and powerful talk, Megan Francis traces the root causes of our current racial climate to their core causes, debunking common misconceptions and calling out "fix-all" cures to a complex social problem.

How should churches approach race and culture issues?

Author and international speaker Michael Burns explains how Christians and should approach issues of race and culture within the church. He offers four tips…

Race In America (Part 1 & 2)


We Must Choose Jesus by Scott Kirkpatrick


Mr. Red and Mr. Blue

Redemptive Reversal by Gabe Santos

Marty Solomon Forum

In this forum facilitated by Wound of My People, a Christian social justice initiative, Marty Solomon from BEMA Podcast gives us a biblical framework that helps us envision how we can embrace the unique strengths God has given us to demonstrate His presence, mission, and character in our struggle against the injustices of our world

God, Grace & Race

People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond Undoing Racism Principles

Undoing Racism®--Racism is the single most critical barrier to building effective coalitions for social change. Racism has been consciously and systematically erected, and it can be undone only if people understand what it is, where it comes from, how it functions, and why it is perpetuated.




All Things to All People with Michael Burns

Welcome to the All Things to All People podcast with Michael Burns. We will examine topics of culture, race, politics, and much more as we seek to put our discipleship into action in a complex world.

Suggested Reading

  1.  So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

  2.  The Willie Lynch Letter by Willie Lynch

  3. The 1619 Project by Phillip Magness