Espantobre- Day 29 – The Exorcist (1973)

By: Claudio “Your mother knits socks that smell” Cortés 

What can be said about today’s movie that hasn’t already been said and or explored? Every deep dive possible has been taken, from behind the scenes investigations into an allegedly cursed set to a full length docu-interview with the film’s director about just this movie to a deep dive podcast. Since its release in 1973 The Exorcist has been woven into the fabric of american society, so much so that choosing it as a film of the day for this list even seemed too cliché to merit a write up. It is a part of the american lexicon, you will be hard pressed to find someone that hasn’t seen it and or a direct parody or copy of it. The tail on this movie stretches faaar beyond the borders of this country, it is synonymous with the equally baffling global phenomenon of the concept of spiritual possession. There is something about this movie that keeps it relevant, there is something about the narrative that keeps drawing people into its nightmare inducing trap, there is simply something about Raegan. 

How old were you when you first saw The Exorcist? 

You can revisit the nightmare as a two buck rental on Amazon Prime

Today’s musical accompaniment is Happy House by Siousie and the Banshees

Keep up with the playlist as it builds Here

What did you think of The Exorcist? Let us know on Twitter or Facebook.

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