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Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory and city located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. It has an area of 6.7 km² and is bordered to the north by Spain. The landscape is dominated by the Rock of Gibraltar, at the foot of which is a densely populated town area, home to some 32,688 people that call Gibraltar home.


Its Location & Size

Gibraltar is situated at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. It is recognised historically as the southernmost point of Europe and is also strategically positioned at the western end of the Mediterranean, forming one of the ancient Pillars of Hercules. The nearby countries are Spain to the north and Morocco (North Africa) to the south, on the other side of the strait 24 kilometres (8 miles) away.

The Rock is mainly Limestone some

200 million years old.


  • Latitude 36 7’ North, longitude 5 21’ West.

  • Height: 426m (1400ft) - highest point is at O’Hara’s Battery.

  • Length: 5 km (3.10 miles) approx.

  • Area: 6.8sq km (4.2sq miles) approx.

  • Circumference Length: 16 km (10 miles) approx.

  • Average width: 1.25 km (1 mile) approx.

The Climate

The climate of Gibraltar is considerably affected by local topography and its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Because of this Gibraltar can be at times a place of meteorological extremes.


Gibraltar's weather is governed by winds that blow through the strait from easterly or westerly directions. In summer, the dry season, the wind from the east or ‘Levante’ brings warm and humid conditions and generates a rather persistent cloud that lingers on the top of The Rock, and hangs over the city area. Sea fog is not uncommon on these occasions. The westerly wind, however, brings hot, clear and mostly dry weather. Summer is dry and warm with an average of 12.5 hours of sunshine per day.


The summer drought frequently lasts 90 consecutive days. The temperature in summer ranges from 27 - 34°C. Winter in Gibraltar can be a mixture of mild, wet and cool weather. On average only 30% of days are classified as 'wet', although rainfall amounts can be variable in the extreme. The temperature in winter ranges from 15 -18°C.


The Language

The official language is English and all residents follow the British education curriculum, sitting their GSCE's and A-Levels as they would in mainland UK. However, Spanish is widely spoken, in fact the unofficial ‘dialect’ what we call ‘Yanito’, to which is a mixture of English, Spanish and some Italian words, that is spoken frequently amongst the local population.


To some visitors who only speak either English or Spanish, 'Yanito' may sound vaguely familiar, as speakers appear to switch languages in mid-sentence. One feature of the language is the pronunciation of English words with a Spanish intonation, though most Gibraltarians  speak standard Spanish when conversing with Spanish speakers.




The Currency & Banks

The legal tender in Gibraltar is Gibraltar Government Sterling notes and coinage, although United Kingdom sterling notes and coinage are equally welcome. Sterling is always considered on par with local tender. Credit cards and Euros are widely accepted.

However, should you wish to exchange your foreign currency there are plenty of banks and Bureaux de Change that will charge no commission on the exchange of bank notes. Although most places will generally offer the same exchange rate. if you are changing significant amounts it is always advisable to search for the best rate. 


VAT Free Shopping

Gibraltar is a well-known for its VAT-free shopping. With a wide variety of stores to choose from, visitors are spoilt for choice.


Most of Gibraltar’s retail establishments are located in Main Street and the surrounding area. This busy street runs throughout the entire length of the city, from Casemates Square to Southport Gates.


Stores along this pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare sell everything from clothes to locally produced crystal. Other side streets such as Irish Town and Engineer Lane are very quaint to walk through and have a number of small shops located within the picturesque old buildings.


Gibraltar has low prices on certain items such as perfumes, cosmetics, jewellery, tobacco and spirits. Many shops also boast excellent deals on brand name sunglasses and watches.


As with anything else, it is a good idea to compare prices at several shops so you get the best value for your purchases.


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