Baltimore, MD - Mar. 21, 2021 - It is with great Simcha, Shevach, V’Hodaah to Ha’Kodesh Baruch Hu that the Hanhala of Kesser Torah of Baltimore announces its plan to open a Bais Medrash for the upcoming Elul Zman.  As KT prepares for the graduation of its first class, the opening of its Bais Medrash attests to the Mossad’s exponential growth over the last four years.

 Reb Nosson Newman, Rav Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim, and  Reb Avraham Feldheim

With S’yata Dishmaya, Reb Nosson Newman, Shlit”a, has been hired to serve as the Rosh Yeshiva of the Bais Medrash while Rav Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim, Shlit”a, continues to lead the entire Mossad. Reb Nosson is a noted Talmid Chochum with clarity and Yideos in all of Shas.  He has a driving passion to provide each Bochur a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment in his learning.

Rav Pinchas Gross, Rav, Derech Chaim speaking with Reb Nosson Newman

The addition of a Bais Medrash will only enhance the Mesivta.  Younger Bochurim will have role models with which to look up to and inspire them in their growth in Torah and Yiras Shamayim.

 Reb Nosson Newman, Rav Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim and Mr. Yonah Zahler

On Rosh Chodesh Nisan, the KT hanhala, community leaders, and local rabbonim attended an evening of introduction and welcome for Reb Nosson.  As Reb Nosson spoke about his vision for the Bais Medrash and his approach to chinuch it became clear to everyone in the room that the Rosh Yeshiva will make a transformational imprint on the Baltimore community for generations to come.  Please view the accompanying video to view moments from this special inaugural event.