How i got the RCE without credentials in securityboat CTF

3 min readMar 8, 2024

In my approach i start with registering a user
Username: ctf
passwd: <someting>

First Command i ran:

sudo gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -t 100 

/admin standout for me

On visiting

I see something unusual

/addproduct.html get loaded first then it redirect to home page.

I turn on the burp, browsing

while proxy on i see this:

Product add form which means i can add products without login

I fill the form and click ADD

After some forwards in burp i got the request :

Send it to the repeater, added .php at the end of the filename

And a php cmd shell at end of the jpg file:

In response its says Product Added

I browsed the website, on vouchers section i can see my product which i added:

I right clicked and choose ( open image in new tab)

I entered the command and hit enter:

On visiting the source code i know i got RCE:

I transfer the request to the burp repeater and ran a find command to find the flag


Cat the file:


Thank you so much for reading i hope i win

