
Dare to Swing? Lolasana, a Pose that Will Challenge your Core and Delight You

Lolasana, also known as the swinging pose, is a challenging yoga asana that combines strength, balance, and controlled movement. This pose is performed from the seated position of Padmasana and involves lifting the entire body off the floor, creating a swinging motion between the arms.


Start in Padmasana, sitting with crossed legs.

Position palms on the floor beside the thighs.

Inhale deeply and lift the entire body off the floor, balancing solely on the hands.

While holding the breath, swing the body backward and forward between the arms.

Exhale and gently lower the buttocks and legs back to the ground.

Rest in a comfortable sitting position.

Repeat the pose with your legs crossed in the opposite way.


Inhale before lifting the body.

Retain the breath while swinging backward and forward.

Exhale upon returning to the floor.


Practice 3 to 5 rounds.


Physical awareness of breath, movement, and balance.

Spiritual awareness on the Anahata chakra.


Strengthens arms, wrists, shoulders, and abdominal muscles.

Opens the chest and enhances control, coordination, and dexterity.

Serves as an excellent preparatory practice for tadan kriya.

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