Bold Moves

Revlon New Provocateur Diablo Cody on the best way to incite a reaction
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Since her first film, the indie delight Juno, earned the industry’s top award for Best Original Screenplay, Diablo Cody has built a substantial body of film and television credits—and a reputation for being beautiful, opinionated, and audacious. “I have no interest in fading into the background,” Cody says. “I’m not afraid to stand out and speak my mind.”

Vanity Fair Agenda: What’s the difference between being provocative and doing something for shock value?

Diablo Cody: “Provocative” is an interesting word because it means “to provoke,” and that doesn’t necessarily mean sexuality. I want to provoke ideas. I’d like to get people thinking, to challenge their perceptions, and inspire them to provoke others. I see provocation as being inspiring on steroids. I’m happy to be described that way. Shock value is cheap. But being provocative is something that I intend to do throughout my career, and hopefully, my life.

V.F.A.: Tell us about the biggest fear you’ve faced and overcome in your career.

D.C.: I’ve always been incredibly candid about myself, my past, my passions. I’m proud of my journey even if it has been messy at times—it’s given me great stories to tell, and I love telling them. [But] I had to conquer my fear of failure, because in Hollywood they don’t give you a chance to master a skill before you adopt it; you have to learn as you go. I’ve had to take leaps of faith every single day of my career, and you really learn to trust your gut and take chances.

V.F.A.: How much of yourself do you put into the characters you create on film?

D.C.: I’ve revealed so much about myself in the movies that I’ve written. There are things that no one would know about me if I hadn’t expressed them through my characters. Putting myself out there in my writing is, without question, the most vulnerable I’ve ever been.

V.F.A.: Speaking of vulnerability—do you think there’s a double standard when it comes to nudity on film for men and for women?

D.C.: People treat female nudity as very serious, and it always seems to say something about the actress who’s willing to get nude. Whereas when a guy gets naked in a movie, it’s often played for comedy. It’s seen as normal—it’s funny, it’s natural. And I don’t understand why women aren’t given that same opportunity.

V.F.A.: What advice do you have for a woman who wants to step out of her comfort zone and take on new challenges?

D.C.: I’d say that it’s natural to be scared, and that can fuel a lot of your adventures in life. [And] there will always be people who find a strong woman off-putting. You can’t allow them to determine your fate. You have to tune out that kind of static and just be bold, be true to who you are. I do my best work under pressure, when I’m a little bit frightened—plus it just makes life more fun! You know, there’s something to be said for adrenaline when you’re tackling the unknown.

V.F.A.: What’s your definition of beauty, and how does makeup fit in with it?

D.C.: I think imperfection is beauty. Imperfect people are the most interesting to look at, and often paradoxically, the most beautiful. So I don’t think makeup is meant to conceal; I use it to enhance my looks. Sure, you can use makeup to do all kinds of crazy tricks to transform yourself. But I’m less interested in transformation than in showing people the real me, and presenting it in a way that’s as beautiful as possible.

V.F.A.: Does makeup help you connect to that natural sense of confidence?

D.C.: Absolutely! Makeup makes me feel powerful, and I wear it every single day. I think makeup is another form of artistry. I don’t think of it as covering up or changing who I am; I think of it as enhancing who I am.

V.F.A.: What's your go-to lip color when you’re looking to attract attention?

D.C.: One hundred percent red! Even as a girl, I noticed the coolest, most iconoclastic women always wore red lipstick. To me, it’s just glamour. It says, “I’m not afraid to be noticed.” There’s something primal and powerful about reddening your lips; women have been doing it for millennia, and I love it.