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River Phoenix's final movie, 'Dark Blood,' to be screened

River Phoenix in 1991.
River Phoenix in 1991.Nancy R. Schiff / Getty Images

We haven't seen the last of River Phoenix.

Dutch director George Sluizer has finally finished "Dark Blood," the movie the 23-year-old actor was working on when he collapsed and died outside of a West Hollywood nightclub in 1993, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The film will premiere Sept. 27 in front of a guest audience at the Netherlands Film Festival, according to The Hollywood Reporter, which first reported last fall that Sluizer was finishing the film he abandoned nearly 20 years ago. 

Sluizer, best known for the 1988 thriller "The Vanishing," held on to the "Dark Blood" footage all these years and was able to finish the movie with help from, a nonprofit site that funds film projects.

"Completing this film now also gives me the opportunity to make my tribute to River Phoenix because I very much liked him and thought he was a talented actor," said Sluizer in a video published earlier this year.


Phoenix appeared in 1986's "Stand By Me," a popular coming-of-age film based on Stephen King's novella, and went on to numerous other roles in movies such as "The Mosquito Coast," "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" and "My Own Private Idaho." He received an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor in 1989 for "Running on Empty." 

You can watch the 2012 "Dark Blood" trailer below.

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