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Dixie Road #1

Dixie Road, #1

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En el sur profundo de los Estados Unidos, durante los años 30, la vida no resulta demasiado sencilla para una mujer trabajadora y su hija, que deberán luchar contra su entorno y los prejuicios. Cuando la suerte les da la espalda, sólo queda una salida: La carretera.

50 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 1996

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About the author

Jean Dufaux

584 books77 followers
Jean Dufaux is a Belgian comic book writer. Beginning his professional career as a journalist for "Ciné-presse", Dufaux started writing comic books in the 1980s. Perhaps his most well-known, and certainly his most long-running, series is Jessica Blandy.

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
May 27, 2020
This is the first of four volumes of a 1996 comics series by Belgian comics writer Jean Dufaux, illustrated by Parisian Hugues Labiano, translated into English and made available in the US in 2017. Set in the American South of the thirties Depression, this story features 14-year-old Dixie and her mother, Fergie. Both are vaguely strong, gorgeous,wearing flowing white dresses throughout, seem to be white or light-skinned/mixed race, and get involved with dangerous gangster black men.

Hard times, and yes, there is racial violence and lynching, but there’s also a kind of romanticization of all these folks that leads to a massacre of a conclusion that prepares us for Dixie and family to hit the road. The characters, as pretty as they all seem to be, do not seem deeply etched, there are not deep insights into human nature or poverty or race yet, but maybe it will happen as we proceed. An interesting European comics perspective on these times in the US.
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Profile Image for StrictlySequential.
3,312 reviews13 followers
May 15, 2019
The outline of the story could have easily achieved ***** but it was bungled heavily by both creators.

Dufaux came up with a great plot scheme and well considered characters but none of it gelled- it was all too forced and heavy-handed.

I can't stand the way the artist draws faces with no consistency and way above scale. I felt like I was reading a joke when things were supposed to be the most serious!
Profile Image for Fugo Feedback.
4,547 reviews159 followers
September 13, 2013
Me lo compré porque estaba barato y porque a simple vista parecía interesante, pero terminó siendo bastante aburrido. El dibujo está bastante bien pero tampoco destaca demasiado. Sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que tiene unos cuantos problemas de anatomía que le quitan la gracia a un par de escenas. Por ahora parece improbable que continúe con la serie.
Profile Image for Johnny Andrews.
Author 1 book19 followers
March 8, 2019
Very different to the normal comics I read but this has a sombre look that works well and to its advantage. Set in the 20s-30s this is about life in America and wanting the American dream.
Dixie is a young teen who has to grow up fast as her father is out there somewhere trying to make money to live the dream, but buy robbing banks.
Meanwhile her mother just wants them to be happy and safe as a family.
Profile Image for Tee Cee.
155 reviews2 followers
January 1, 2024
Heat and humidity

This book is a pleasant surprise. I began to read because the cover looked interesting, and Europe Comics series tend to be worthwhile. The art is very good, spectacular at times. One can feel the heat and humidity on one's face. The narrative is captivating to the point of making one's blood boil with the prejudice, injustice, and despair as oppressive as the humid air. Well worth a read.
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