18 TV Show Inconsistencies That Are Way More Frustrating Than They Should Be

    Did they really think they could get these past us?

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the most annoying inconsistencies they've seen on TV. Here's what they said!

    1. In early seasons of Game of Thrones, it took characters ages to travel across the lands, but by the final season they are going back and forth within episodes with hardly any time passing.

    2. In Gilmore Girls, Anna and Sasha — two different, unrelated characters — were played by the same actor.

    3. And on Golden Girls, two of Rose's boyfriends, Arnie and Miles, were also played by the same actor.

    4. In Riverdale, Fangs got shot right in the stomach, but the following season, he doesn't even have a hint of a scar.

    5. The many, many episodes of Gossip Girl where Dan was shocked by G.G.'s blasts, despite the fact that he was meant to be the brains behind them.

    6. And this isn't technically an "inconsistency," but it seems pretty ~inconsistent~ for Chuck Bass — the guy who drives everywhere in a limo — to take the bus to school, don't you think?

    7. In Friends, Monica calls Chandler her soulmate in her wedding vows, but when she meets Don, she says she doesn't believe in soulmates. What is the truth?!

    8. In Season 3 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Terry's wife had a baby who is never seen or mentioned again, even though his other kids appear in later seasons.

    9. And don't forget that Jake told Amy he was unable to grow facial hair, but then he has a full beard when he's in prison.

    10. In New Girl, Jess's sister appeared for one season, and then, as if by magic, all existence of her vanished. She didn't even go to Jess's wedding!

    11. And then there was the moment when Jess told Nick that she's ~weirdly good~ at volleyball, but a few seasons later we see her play it, and she's ~spectacularly bad~.

    12. In what seems to be a recurring theme, in the first season of That '70s Show, Donna had a little sister, Tina, before she mysteriously vanished and Donna became an only child.

    13. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Initiative group implants Spike with a chip that causes him excruciating pain if he hurts any human in any way — apart from, it would seem, the scientists he attacks while he escapes.

    14. In Stranger Things, which is set in 1985, the gang ate red M&M's, which weren't reintroduced until 1987.

    15. And back to Friends, where Ross made a huge deal about Carol being the only woman he'd been with, although we later find out that he also slept with his university cleaning lady.

    16. In Workin' Moms, Ian's new girlfriend was introduced, had a whole story arc, and then vanished without so much as a mention.

    17. In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon told Penny that he's had his "three knock" compulsion ever since he walked in on his dad having an affair when he was 13. But in earlier seasons of the show, he was capable of knocking only once.

    18. And finally, The Walking Dead ran for nine seasons without it even once being winter.

    Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity, and not all were sourced from the BuzzFeed Community.

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