Udderly Unusual Cow Facts Revealed

Cow grazing

If you think you know all of your cow facts, think again. Cows are beautiful creatures that wander country fields. Maybe this is why the cow print craze is everywhere. From baby blankets for the nursery to a pair of fashionable cowboy boots, cows are everywhere.  

With plenty of cows to observe on a car trip, there’s nothing surprising about them. We know that cows moo and that they produce tasty milk. Surely there is nothing about these farm animals that can surprise their casual fans.  

Think again. We bet you don’t know these β€œudderly” unusual cow facts. 

Cow Facts We Bet You Didn’t Know

No two cows have the same spots.

Just like no two humans have the exact same fingerprints, no two cows have the exact same spots. Farmers use each cow’s spot to differentiate them apart.

Cows can run on average at 17 mph, with a maximum speed of 25 mph.

However, cows run in short bursts, not continuously; they cannot run for a long time. Cows run when they are startled by something, like all animals and most humans. They may run when they are happy, like when dinnertime hits. 

Did you know that cows can jump, too?

Although, perhaps they don’t go over the moon like in fairytales. The tall cattle can jump up to five feet, but not all can jump that high. Still, be wary of a barrier under three feet. Cows will respect the barrier until there is something better on the other side. 

Cows Facts That Prove Cows are Interesting Animals

They don’t like stairs.

While cows can walk up a set of stairs, they can’t easily walk downstairs. The incline and size of the stairs are not made for cows. Cows are bigger with a different body build than humans, so it is difficult to take the stairs when gravity makes you feel like you are about to fall headfirst with every step. They will do it if they must, though, so do not taunt them unless you’re ready for an annoyed cow to prove you wrong. 

Cows also kick in an unexpected way.

Unlike the kind of kicks horses do, kicking back, cows kick to the side, too, and the front. It can be a light kick in your general direction if the cow is feeling inconvenienced. Make sure to stay where the cow can see you to avoid a harder kick. 

Each day a cow drinks as much water as there is in a standard American-sized bathtub.

A standard American bathtub holds 42 gallons of water. Imagine 42 one-gallon jugs of water all going into a cow’s stomach in one day!

The Dairy Alliance Loves Cow Facts

Did you learn anything new? Meet our cows to discover more. Here at The Dairy Alliance, caring for dairy cows and dairy farmers is second nature to us and that is why we always love learning new cow facts. Just like other animals, cows each have a unique personality. That’s why we appreciate them!

Contact The Dairy Alliance anytime to learn more about our dairy cows, school resources, recipes, and more.

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