Sixten Sason in wonderland's avatar

Sixten Sason in wonderland

Sixten Sasons a-perspectival trips into the world of architecture, mother of all arts.
Versuche zur Überwindung der 08/15-copy/paste-Bildkultur.
A constantly evolving digital library, culmulating in the love finally failing.
"(...) there’s a hell of a good universe next door; let’s go"
e.e. cummings
Meanwhile, that universe out there can wait. Finding perfect balance in a kind of 'concept of normality' and a search for the qualities of everyday life are worthy & sensible. Far away from the fake monstrous weirdness, some people tend to create. You may call that boring. I don't (mind).

Theme by Theme Static
Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff, Cohen House, 64 Old Church Street, Chelsea, 1935-36

Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff, Cohen House, 64 Old Church Street, Chelsea, 1935-36
