Common House Spider Tegenaria domestica 

Species Information
Body length 6-10 mm. Both sexes are similar in appearance, but the male has a slimmer abdomen and relatively longer legs. It varies in colour from pale yellowish- brown to dark brown. The abdomen has variable dark markings.

It makes a flat sheet-like silk web, typically with a tubular retreat at one corner. Male spiders are usually seen more often than females, as they wander widely in search of a mate. After a male has found a female’s web he will stay with her for a number of weeks, mating with her repeatedly during this time. He then dies and the female eats him; the nutrients within the male contribute to the development of his young.

Seen all year round. It is found close to humans in houses and outbuildings like sheds and garages. Common and widespread throughout.



Arachnida (Arachnids)
Araneae (Spiders)
Agelenidae (Funnelweb Spiders)
Tegenaria domestica (Clerck, 1757)


Common House Spider Tegenaria domestica male
Sept. 2020. Male, garage, S. Staffordshire
Common House Spider Tegenaria domestica female
Sept. 2020. Female, garage, S. Staffordshire
Common House Spider Tegenaria domestica male
Sept. 2020. Male, garage, S. Staffordshire
Common House Spider Tegenaria domestica spiderling
Sept. 2020. Immature, garage, S. Staffordshire

All photographs copyright © Peter Hillman
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