Las Meninas [Infanta Margarita María]

Las Meninas [Infanta Margarita María]


Las Meninas [Infanta Margarita María]

Fourteen of the forty-five interpretations Picasso made of "Las Meninas" are dedicated to Princess Margarita (1651–1673), the central figure in Velázquez’s composition. The daughter of King Philip IV and Queen Mariana of Austria, she married her uncle Leopold I and thereby became Empress and Consort of the Holy Roman Empire.
Whether portraying her full length or only as a bust, Picasso used her figure to explore colour, shapes, light and rhythm, following two definite paths: from grey monochrome (grisaille) to a profusion of bright colours, and from cubistic compositions to other more schematic works based on line and colour, which eventually led to paintings of great material and chromatic exuberance.
As in the Velázquez picture, our attention is drawn to the gaze, which is emphasised by the red in one of the eyes. The character’s face is turned to the left, although her gaze is frontal. By means of this device, common in his oeuvre and known as his «faces in profile», Picasso captures the gesture of Velázquez’s infanta. The background is blurred, although sometimes it also contains discreet touches of colour that rather than define the pictorial space highlight the play of light and shadow on the figure.
In five of the works dedicated to the princess, Picasso depicts her receiving the vase from María Agustina Sarmiento, her lady-in-waiting, a feature he had found fascinating on his early visits to the Prado in 1897 and 1898. A ceramic reproduction of Infanta Margarita María made the same year as this Margarita María oil painting is in the Musée Picasso in Paris.

Located in

CP Sala 13
Las Meninas [Infanta Margarita María]


Oil on canvas

100 cm x 81 cm

Gift of Pablo Picasso, 1968

MPB 70.459

The entire documentation process is, by definition, a work in progress. If you have additional information on this register or spot any errors, please send us your comments.
  • 2023- "Picasso: The Blue Period and Beyond". Hiroshima Museum of Art, Hiroshima (Japó)
  • 2021-2022- "Les Louvre de Pablo Picasso". Musée du Louvre-Lens, Lens (França)
  • 2018-2019- "El sur de Picasso. Referencias andaluzas". Museo Picasso Málaga, Màlaga (Espanya)
  • 2015- "Picasso/Dalí, Dalí/Picasso". Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Barcelona (Espanya)
  • 2014-2015- "Picasso/Dalí, Dalí/Picasso". The Salvador Dalí Museum, St Petersburg, Florida (EUA)
  • 2014- "El Museu Picasso, 50 anys a Barcelona. Les exposicions". Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Barcelona (Espanya)
  • 2009- "Picasso: Challenging the Past". National Gallery, Sainsbury Wing, Londres (Regne Unit)
  • 2008-2009- "Picasso et les Maîtres". Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, París (França)
  • 2008- "Oblidant Velázquez. Las Meninas". Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Barcelona (Espanya)
  • 2006-2007- "El Greco to Picasso: Time, Truth and History". The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Nova York (EUA)
  • 2006- "Picasso. Tradición y vanguardia". Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid (Espanya)
  • 2004- Intercanvi d'obra amb motiu de l'exposició "Picasso: Guerra i Pau". Musée Picasso, Antíbol (França)
  • 2001- "Picasso: las grandes series". Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS), Madrid (Espanya)
  • 2000- "Picasso's World of Children". National Museum of Western Art, Tòquio (Japó)
  • 1997- Intercanvi d'obra amb motiu de l'exposició "Derain-Picasso, 1904-1921".
  • 1986- "Trésors de Barcelone". Fondation de l'Hermitage, Lausana (Suïssa)
  • 1980- "Pablo Picasso: A Retrospective". The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Nova York (EUA)
  • 1968- "Las Meninas". Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Barcelona (Espanya)
  • 1964- "PABLO PICASSO. EXHIBITION - JAPAN 1964". Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya (Japó)
  • 1964- "PABLO PICASSO. EXHIBITION - JAPAN 1964". National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (Japó)
  • 1964- "PABLO PICASSO. EXHIBITION - JAPAN 1964". National Museum of Modern Art, Tòquio (Japó)
  • 1960- "Picasso". Tate Britain, Londres (Regne Unit)
  • 1959- "Les Menines et la vie". Galerie Louis Leiris, París (França)
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