Get to Know the Detailed Information about Burka

Burqa or Burka is something that is often assumed to be forced by men on women. But it is not true in every context. In many countries, women don’t have equality and basic rights and therefore, the burka may seem like patriarchal control. Let’s understand more about the burka.

Burkha is a full-body outfit that covers women completely, while you can only see their eyes and hands. Many times, this term is conflated with Niqab. But in actuality, Niqab is just a face veil that only reveals the women’s eyes.

You must get cleared about the burka, but do you know this particular Islamic clothing has its pros? Yes, you heard it right. Let’s talk about them:

1. Burkha is a symbol of authority, seriousness, and respect. Women prefer to wear a burqa at parties, business meetings, and family gatherings. Some of them look at it as their lucky charm. They think that most of their work gets successful because they wear the burqa. They believe that burka is something that spreads positivity.

2. Many women wear burqas as they feel it spreads equality between women. You must have heard that ‘beauty is a myth’, but we have also heard many people saying that ‘this lady is beautiful and she should be allowed to do a particular task’. What if someone cannot see the looks of a woman? They can’t make such judgments and every woman will get an equal chance to achieve something. 

3. Burkha has its history. This particular Islamic clothing has been originated in the desert area and was functioned as a sand mask. It uses to look like a dress and it is worn by both women and men, the only difference is that they both are named differently. Even the tribal people use to wear it at the time of raids. Today, the burqa is helpful in every situation. In London, Burka was used as a mask to protect the people from stinky smells. It also helps you to stay away from the unhygienic environment.

4. Some Non-Muslim nations wear a burkha to experience how it feels to be in a different culture. Even a White reporter decided to wear a black burqa so that she can experience life for a Burqa wearer. She has received huge respect and honor from Muslim people and many people came and talk to her. She also realized that she is getting inner peace after wearing a Burqa, but few people tried to harass her.

5. It is very easy to wear and carry Burkha as it can be worn as an alternative to the Hijab (which is again a type of Islamic Clothing). It is perfect for a woman who is in a rush.

6. Burka is cozy to wear and feels very comfortable. A woolen Burka is suitable for the winter season, while cotton or airy burka is suitable for the summer season. 

Like every clothing item, wearing a burkha is something that depends on women’s willingness. They can’t be forced to wear something until and unless they wanted to wear it. Though, these days Burqa is counted as one of the most modest Islamic clothing items as now it is available in every color, fabric, pattern, and print. You can choose according to your choice and enjoy a perfect combination of traditional and modest attire.

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