*~ Edoras ~* Meduseld , the golden Hall of Rohan

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A replika of Edoras Meduseld , Thronhall of the Kings of Rohan, from Tolkins LotR . Detailed realistic Building in corect dimensions. Including the Interior Furniture , Rohan Banners and Lightings.
The Building : 167 Prims
Furniture,Banners, Lighting : 157 Prims
thats a Total of 324 Prims

This Building is copy and Modify.
It shows No Mod in your inventory, but thats just the Rez Box.
After rezzing you can modify if you like or need.

Dimensions are 40x40 and a total hight of 24 meters



Resenhas (XX)

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4 estrela(s):  (0)
3 estrela(s):  (0)
2 estrela(s):  (0)
1 estrela(s):  (0)


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Naomee Noel's Whisper Forest
Naomee Noel's Whisper Forest
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Vendido por: Naomee Noel
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  • 5 estrelas 1 Resenhas

  • Autorizações:
    Copiar Modificar Transferir Licenciado para o usuário
  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 167