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Common dolphin: interesting facts about common dolphins (Delphinus delphis)

Hello, friends of salt and waves! Fin here 🐬 Your resident bottlenose dolphin in the splendid waters of Mallorca. Today I have the pleasure of diving into the curiosities of some very special neighbours, the common dolphins (Delphinus delphis). So let’s make ourselves comfortable, because this trip is going to be anything but ordinary!

6 fun facts about common dolphin

🎨 Camouflage Artists

These stylish swimmers take the art of camouflage to a new level. Their side lines are not only beautiful, but also tremendously useful, helping them blend in with the sun’s rays filtering through the water. It’s like having your own invisibility suit, ready to surprise or evade in the blink of a fin.

🚀 Born Ocean Sailors

When it comes to speed, common dolphins are the undisputed champions of the sea. With bodies designed for speed, they can navigate the waves at speeds that leave even the most agile fish behind. Whether chasing their dinner or simply enjoying the flow of the ocean, these dolphins are pure poetry in motion.

🌐 Deep Blue Travellers

Although I enjoy the sights near Mallorca, common dolphins are true globetrotters of the seas. Their curiosity and love of exploration leads them to travel great distances, always in search of adventure and, of course, a good bite to eat. They are the backpackers of the marine world, always ready for the next wave.

🎶 Masters of Communication

The vocal abilities of common dolphins are impressive. With a repertoire that includes whistles, clicks and murmurs, these masters of sonar can communicate, navigate and locate their dinner in the vastness of the ocean. Each sound is a word in the language of the sea, a melody in the underwater symphony.

🍴 Big Blue Gourmet

Common dolphins enjoy a varied and delicious diet, consisting of fish, squid and other delicacies of the sea. They use their speed and agility not only to dazzle observers, but also to secure a feast in the deep. Eating is serious business, and they are experts at doing it in style.

💕 Strength in Numbers

The most impressive thing about common dolphins is not their speed or diet, but their incredible sense of community. They live, hunt and play in groups, proving that marine life is better together. Their loyalty and care for each other is a reminder of the importance of connections in our lives.

So there you have it, dear friends, a glimpse into the fascinating world of common dolphins from the perspective of a bottlenose dolphin who deeply admires his swift and sociable cousins. I hope this little journey has inspired you to learn more about us, the inhabitants of the ocean, and to protect our beautiful blue home.

With leaps of joy and a heart full of bubbles, Fin 🐬✨

More dolphin species in Mallorca