Why is Ferengi so named?

Most of us have learned to love, or at least tolerate the greedy, petty, profit driven, butt-headed (lit.) race that is the Ferengi.

But since they were once envisioned to be the arch enemy in TNG, have you ever thought about why they are named Ferengi? I mean when they came up with the Borg, the name pretty much suggests that its a half man half machine entity.

I don’t know if it was the Persians and Arabs who referred to all Europeans as faranj and introduced Europeans to the Pacific. But since the 15th century, much of Asia, including the Thai, Chinese, Korean, Japanese all have been referring to Europeans with some form of ferengi (e.g. Fulangji in Chinese) . Tongan and Samoan refer to Europeans as p?langi or pap?langi. Apparently even the Greeks and Indians use this term to refer to Europeans.

It is mentioned this the is origin of the name Ferengi. So, why was it chosen? Were the Ferengis supposed to be a representation of Capitalism? As opposed to the near communism that is the Federation? I actually feel the word Ferengi would be better parallel for Colonialism than Capitalism.

Well, Memory Alpha says:

The word “Ferengi” is derived from the Arabic and Persian word ??? faranji , which meant “frank”, as in the Frankish/European traders who made contact with Arabic traders; the word later came to mean “foreigner” in general, though in modern Arabic it is generally restricted to the meaning “European”.

Also, when they first appeared they wore a lot of fur.


…sorry, was looking at Tashas butt :smiley:

Yeah, I don’t think they quite knew what ti di with them when they first appeared…they were supposed to be uber-capitalists, but they were feral, and wore fur and…yeah, not sure what they were going for there.

It all worked out with Quark tho…

They took a lot of cues from ‘Yankee Treaders’ which is probably what inspired the fur. They were supposed to be sort of a more ruthless Harry Mudd.

Not the most intimidating baddies ever.

I heard that the Ferengi were supposed to be what for TNG what the Klingons were for TOS, but then it was quickly realized that that wouldn’t work out and the Bord and later Cardassians were introduced.

Indeed, read the rest of the Memory-Alpha article, it is pretty interesting.

…sorry, was looking at Tashas butt

I choose my pictures carefully.

Quark looks like he’s dressed to impress Klingon ladies.

Don’t judge a man’s tastes…

That pic is from the first episode where the Ferengi appeared. Very early in Season one.
Some actor that played Quark, but that’s not Quark. (and maybe you knew that and was just making a joke…in which case…nevermind :o ).

Instead of a military threat, they should have had the Ferengi use their influence to try and revert the Federation back to using money. First start forcing new or boarder federation members/colonies by forcing them to buy materials, and create classes within their system that eventually they have to adopt to using money. Even going as far as purchasing replicator credits so they won’t starve to death.

Then work on core worlds by setting high prices on materials that are unreplicatable, forcing the Federation try to come up with Latinum. Eventually to the point that within the Federation worlds, Latinum is used as currency.

Then the real threat would be maintaining the ideal of the Federation and balancing with reality.

Didn’t this kind of happen on DS9? You had to have some kind of cash to hang out at Quark’s, Federation or not.

yeah, but that seemed to be confined to his bar. And I have never figured out how the Federation officers got their latinum.

what the ferengis should have done is corner off markets for the unreplicable stuff. for example dilithium. So if the federation loses the ability to replicate anything they hearts desire.