Missing bar code scanner - Form


The Barcode scan option has disappeared from my IOS when using a form?

Smartsheet recently updated the App Aug 5 however when opening a form I now get a pop up "An Improved experience for this form will be available on newer version of the Smartsheet app" - am I missing something?

Code scanner and location drop were there last week and I successfully tested the QR code and location drop several times to ensure accuracy and use, now on rolling out the form it failed!! what has happened?

Column containing the code is Text/Number as is the column containing the serial number of the asset.


Forever forwards Backwards never.

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jason P & @Paul Newcome

    I've confirmed with our team that forms with the new validation feature enabled are not supported directly within the Smartsheet mobile app at this time. This means the app defaults to the Browser form experience in order to allow your submission to go through. However, barcode and GPS features are only available through the app, so they won't be available.

    Until we're able to release the new validation update to the mobile apps as well, you will need to decide on which feature is more important: validation or barcodes. Removing the validation from the field (as noted above) should allow the barcode feature to appear again!

    Let me know if this resolves your issue or if you have any additional questions.


