Ready For Summer in New York City?

It seems like just yesterday that we were preparing for the New York City winter.  Spring has now sprung, which means the long, hot, humid NYC summer is just around the corner.  The question is… are you ready for summer in New York City?

summer hats flip flops flowers shells sunglasses

Slip, Slop, Slap*
As the owner of pale skin of eastern European descent, these are my sun-safety essentials to get ready for summer in New York City:

  • Sunscreen
    The EWG recommends using mineral-based sunscreens (and they don’t kill coral reefs like chemical sunscreens do), however they can be hard to apply and leave a chalky film.  I’ve found Badger range is easy to apply, particular the tangerine and vanilla one which also smells nice.  California Baby applies smoothly and is easy to find.  Alba Botanica sunscreen is fragrance free and doesn’t leave a greasy residue.
  • Rash Guards
    Fortunately UV protective rash guards have become swimwear norm for kids and can be readily found in stores like Target.  For women, I found a good range of brightly coloured rashies at Lands End and Billabong US.
  • Sun Hats
    As a parent, one of the banes of summer, is keeping a hat on my kids’ heads.  When I was last in Australia, I picked up Dozer bucket hats with a handy chin strap at a beach shop in Noosa’s Hastings Street (in case you need an excuse to return to Australia’s own heaven on earth).  In the US, I’ve found these gorgeous bright, colourful and reversible Tuga UV-protection hats.

If you’re reading this and realize it’s been a while since you’ve had a proper skin check, find out what you need to know to navigate the health care system in the US before popping along to your dermatologist.

summer in New York City flip flops beach sandals

Ice Cream
Did you know hip NYC-based Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream has an Aussie connection? Or that they offer an extensive range of vegan and classic flavours?  Or that you can order online, as well as from their stores and trucks?  You know what to do (go ahead… we’ll be here when you return).

Iced Coffee
One of the barometers of the change in season is when you switch your hot coffee for iced coffee. Did you know there are more than 50 Aussie coffee shops in and around NYC? Why not make it a summer challenge to enjoy an iced coffee from as many as possible.

Nothing compares to the beautiful sprawling beaches of Australia, however AWNY travel and leisure maven, Julia O’Brien found some worthy contenders in and around New York.

For a fresh-water fix, there are many free/low-cost swimming pools around town.  For a truly authentic experience, check out the secret pools in Forest Hills, Queens, unearthed by AWNY sleuth Tarley Jordan.

Playground Sprinklers
One of the cool things about NYC, is that many playgrounds have sprinklers which are turned on during the summer.  AWNY member Helen McWilliam has a detailed round-up of Central Park playgrounds, also the NYC Parks Dept lists additional sprinkler locations.


Rooftop Bars
There’s nothing cooler than swanning around a chic rooftop bar on a balmy evening in New York City in your strapless LBD and strappy sandals, under the glittering Manhattan sky.  Here are some perennial AWNY favourites.

Summer Sports (On a Shoestring Budget)
Fancy catching a ball-game against a stunning Manhattan backdrop?  Jump on the free Staten Island Ferry and take in a Yankees minor league game.  It’s a budget-friendly alternative to the major league games.  The word on the street is that the July 4th game is not to be missed, featuring fireworks at the ballgame plus the opportunity to watch the spectacular fireworks over Manhattan.

Although many New Yorkers leave the city during the summer (and there are even songs written about it) there are many compelling reasons to stay.  After all we’re Australians, we are well and truly ready for summer in New York City.

* If you’re not sure what this means, ask your Mum or watch this.

Author: Angela Tohl

Adelaide-born Angela came to New York in search of the ultimate adventure, by way of Australia and Japan. She juggles technical and copywriting projects, with chasing her kids around (usually on roller skates). Find Angela on Twitter @angelatohl and at Image credit: Susie Lang

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